Welcome to my collection of resources, experiences, and advice for launching and growing a quality two-way immersion bilingual program. I am deeply committed to bilingualism and biliteracy for every child and firmly believe that this approach is key for preparing traditionally underserved English Language Learners for short and long term academic, cognitive, and sociocultural success. My personal mission as an educator is to do everything I can to close the achievement gap and to provide every student with an excellent college prep education--particularly ELLs. If you're looking to launch something similar, or simply want ideas and resources for your bilingual classroom, I want to help in any way I can!

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Spanish and Latino/a Book Lists

The Teachers Reading and Writing Project of Columbia University has compiled and shared a fantastic list of books that can be used to supplement reading and writing workshop units of study.  Their list includes several substantial Spanish book lists as well--check them out!  TCRWP Book Lists

A couple more good lists (most of the books on the following lists are in English but are written by Latino/a authors or celebrate Hispanic heritage):
Pura Belpré Award Winners List
Hispanic Heritage Booklist 

Here's a list I compiled of lots of children's books in Spanish (many are translations of books originally written in English) along with their Fountas & Pinnell Guided Reading Level.  This could help you in a number of ways:
  • Leveling books in your classroom library or guided reading library
  • Helping parents buy Spanish books at a particular reading level
  • Buying additional books at certain levels for your classroom library
    Leveled Book List: Spanish (Levels A - Z)

    And, well, in the spirit of bilingualism and biliteracy, here are some similar (though much more extensive) lists in English that I found on another district's website:
    Leveled Book List:  English Grade K (Levels A-C)
    Leveled Book List:  English Grade 1 (Levels C-I)
    Leveled Book List:  English Grade 2 (Levels H-M)
    Leveled Book List:  English Grade 3 (Levels L-P)
    Leveled Book List:  English Grade 4 (Levels O-T)
    Leveled Book List:  English Grade 5 (Levels S-W)
    Leveled Book List:  English Grade 6+ (Levels V-Z)

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