Welcome to my collection of resources, experiences, and advice for launching and growing a quality two-way immersion bilingual program. I am deeply committed to bilingualism and biliteracy for every child and firmly believe that this approach is key for preparing traditionally underserved English Language Learners for short and long term academic, cognitive, and sociocultural success. My personal mission as an educator is to do everything I can to close the achievement gap and to provide every student with an excellent college prep education--particularly ELLs. If you're looking to launch something similar, or simply want ideas and resources for your bilingual classroom, I want to help in any way I can!

Sunday, September 5, 2010

National Standards

I have a lot to say on this issue but I'll return to this post at a later date to share more specific thoughts. Meanwhile, didn't want to miss out posting a link to an interesting NY Times article that brought up lots of good thoughts both for and against national standards.

Also, one of my all time favorite books gave me a lot to think about in terms of national standards and was the beginning of my belief that, if done well, national standards have a lot of promise:  The Teaching Gap.

I will say that having reviewed the first draft of several documents in the common core standards, I haven't seen any language proficiency standards for ELL students.  I'm interested to see if that becomes a part of these standards--I surely hope so.

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