Welcome to my collection of resources, experiences, and advice for launching and growing a quality two-way immersion bilingual program. I am deeply committed to bilingualism and biliteracy for every child and firmly believe that this approach is key for preparing traditionally underserved English Language Learners for short and long term academic, cognitive, and sociocultural success. My personal mission as an educator is to do everything I can to close the achievement gap and to provide every student with an excellent college prep education--particularly ELLs. If you're looking to launch something similar, or simply want ideas and resources for your bilingual classroom, I want to help in any way I can!

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Fountas & Pinnell Resources in Spanish

When it comes to literacy education, I consider Irene Fountas, Gay Su Pinnell, and Lucy Calkins as close to gods as it comes.  I've devoured everything I can get my hands on by them and just wish I had the money to get it all!

I am a strong believer that guided reading and, for some readers who struggle significantly--small group and one on one reading interventions, are KEY to reading achievement in any elementary classroom.  While most of F&P's resources are in English and are geared to English literacy, much can be applied to Spanish literacy in many areas (Spanish is especially unique when it comes to phonological awareness, phonics & the alphabetic principle, etc).  You can imagine my excitement when a few minutes ago I stumbled on a few Spanish F&P resources that are or soon will be available.  The first is a prompting guide for literacy instruction--a flip chart that can be used throughout the literacy block, providing teachers will precise language to use that will help enhance reading and writing instruction.  You can order it here.

I also saw on F&P's blog that they are developing a Spanish version of the Fountas & Pinnell Benchmark Assessment System 1.  Unfortunately they don't yet know if they'll actually develop LLI (Leveled Literacy Intervention) in Spanish--I'm crossing my fingers they eventually do as it is a powerful English reading intervention.  Good news for teachers in grades 3 - 8....they are developing LLI for the upper grades (in English).   For those schools with a lot of money to invest in the ultimate one on one reading intervention, Reading Recovery (English) and Descubriendo la Lectura (Spanish) are as good as it gets.

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