- Mi Guitarrí: 30 original and traditional children's songs in Spanish performed by Joel Valle, many written for specific classroom procedures, transitions, and common content themes in grades K-2.
- Jose-Luis Orozco: One of my all time favorite children's artists, Jose-Luis has created at least 15 albums devoted to Spanish language children's songs and traditions
- Whistlefritz: Music by Jorge Anaya: Check out the CDs (¡A bailar! and Cha, cha, cha) as well as a number of DVDs
- Dr. Jean en español: Olé, Olé, Olé for daily routines, oral language, and math
- Muévete: Learn Spanish through Songs & Movement
- Grupo Chiquitos: Lots of early childhood songs in Spanish on several albums
- Susy Dorn created the Let's Play in Spanish immersion program and has created several music CDs as part of it
- Cri Cri: You can listen to lots of Cri-Cri songs here or purchase CDs here
- Songs in Spanish for Children by Elena Paz Travesi
- Charlotte Diamond
- Soy Una Pizza (includes Each of us is a Flower/Somos como las flores)
- Todo el Mundo Come Banana
- YouTube videos: You can find all sorts of great Spanish children's songs here, such as:
- Sol, solecito
- Pin Pon
- En la granja de mi tio
- El trencito y la hormiga
- Ganas de aplaudir
- Sandy el heladero
- La ballena
- Juguemos en el bosque
- Pecos Bill
- Arroz con leche
- A la rueda rueda
- Los pollitos
- Some simple searches can help you find lots of others
- Canciones infantiles de
- Songs for Teaching (check out the Spanish section)
- Plaza Sésamo songs and clips are great; a number of episodes are available for download on iTunes and several DVDs are available at Amazon. Also, you can access lots of songs on YouTube by searching for Plaza Sésamo or Barrio Sésamo. You can also access other clips in Spanish at the Sesame Workshop site.
- Check out these books with more songs and poems in Spanish (could also be great for shared reading texts)
- Canciones infantiles (byAntonio Salgado)
- Cancioncero infantil mexicano (by Antonio Avitia Hernández)
- Arroz con leche (by Jose-Luis Orozco)
- De Colores and Other Latin American Folksongs for Children (by Jose-Luis Orozco)
- Diez Deditos and Other Play Rhymes and Action Songs from Latin America (by Jose-Luis Orozco)
- Fiestas: A Year of Latin American Songs of Celebration (by Jose-Luis Orozco)
- Rin, Rin, Rin, Do, Re, Mi (by Jose-Luis Orozco)
- Keep searching anywhere & everywhere for canciones infantiles en español, and if you find other great songs or artists we could post, leave a comment!
English songs for children are much easier to find and, for most teachers who grew up in the U.S, are much more well-known. For that reason, my list won't be as extensive as that for Spanish, but I'll still share some favorites!
- Raffi
- Sesame Street
- Fiesta (songs are mainly in English but promote Spanish and bilingualism)
- Favorite Songs
- The Wiggles
- Songs For Teaching: Using Music to Promote Learning
- Twin Sisters Productions: The Leader in Educational Music
- Kindergarten Songs (by Kidzup Production Inc): 15 songs for download on iTunes
- More Kindergarten Songs (by Twin Sisters Productions): 20 songs for download on iTunes
- 30 Preschool Songs (by Countdown Kids): 30 songs for download on iTunes
- Charlotte Diamond
- They Might Be Giants (older children (and adults!) love TMBG music)
- Schoolhouse Rock (also great for older children)
- The Teacher's Guide: Children's Songs: Lyrics and MIDIs for over 200 favorite children's nursery rhymes and songs in English
- MathJam CDs by David & Judy
I would add "Little Pim" for Spanish and "Rachel and The Treeschoolers" for English.
ReplyDeleteAs well as "Music Together", "Signing Time", "Mother Goose Club", "Super Simple Learning", "Potty Time" (Rachel Coleman), "Baby Signing Time" and "Name Your Tune" for English.